Tablet Application
Beyond its interactive capabilities, Digi-board takes a step towards a greener future by eliminating the need for traditional paper books and notebooks. It fully supports eBooks and eNotes, making learning materials easily accessible and reducing our environmental footprint.
Advanced Interactive features

Sync Books and Notes
Holidays no longer means missed notes
In classroom mode, teachers can sync student notebooks so they are all viewing the exact same page in a book that the teacher is currently teaching. Teacher's notes and annotations are instantly viewable on all student's devices and also stored in the cloud. So whether a student wants to refer back or has missed classes, the notes are never lost.
Screen Sharing and Collaboration
1 way and 2 way screen sharing
The Digi-board software provides intelligent screen sharing. Teachers can share their screens with students, swap books, and annotate, visible to everyone. Teachers can grant specific students access to write and share, visible to the rest of the students. Users can easily copy content from books and paste it into notes. The entire session is recorded, allowing it to be referenced as notes and played back to replicate the exact class sequence.

Less weight on shoulders
The entire school bags in less than 400gms
One device for all your school / educational needs. All organised and accessible on your device and through the cloud, anywhere, anytime.
Write - Just like on paper
Notes and handwriting recognition
Make Infinite Notes and Annotations. The EMR Pen and paper like surface on the device provide an experience of writing on physical paper. Studies show this improves comprehension when compared to typing on a keypad. In built handwriting recognition allows storing handwritten notes as digital text - making it easier to share and search.

For Teachers and Students
All in one lightweight device
Digi-board software, allows students to join classes in person or remotely. Teachers can mark attendance, conduct classes, send diary notes for acknowledgment from parents, or even conduct and evaluate tests - all from one single lightweight device. Institutions could push content to their registered devices over the air, thus allowing for updates anytime.
All Books in One Place
Read without any Strain on Eyes
Text Books and study materials in e-book format, so they can be carried and read anywhere, anytime. Annotations can be scribbled right over the page you are reading and saved for later reference. The E-Ink Display does not produce any emitted lights - greatly reducing the stress on eyes.

Upcoming features
Audio book: Books that read English aloud with automatic integration, even in documents shared by schools or teachers to students.
Audio Conferencing: Users can engage in screen sharing, interactive writing, and audio streaming, enabling all parties to interact by speaking and writing with each other.
Generative AI Integration: With the power of Generative AI, the solution can automate subjective answer evaluations using reference answers provided by teachers. This feature saves time for educators while providing prompt feedback to students, enhancing the learning process.